December 5th, 2023

Taps the Mic

What do you do with a blog these days, anyway? Do you just write shit down? I think you just write shit down.

So I made this site in 2022. I don't think I've touched the thing since April of 2022, if you were to take a look at my Pokemon Playthrough page - woogh, is that thing awful to look at code wise- that's when the last update was. 2022 is a year I mostly don't remember. Most years are a year I mostly don't remember. I was two years younger when I made this site. I'm pretty sure I was miserable. I always was.

2023 has been a weird year. I suppose you wouldn't know this given the total lack of updating I've done of this website. Maybe I should make a monthly blog post starting in 2024. That might be kind of therapeutic. A lot of things have happened this year. I got my first job. We moved house, again. I started a new medication which helps a lot more than it seems but honestly I get used to them and then I forget what my existence was like before it.

You know, a job at Walmart certainly isn't anything glamorous but people make it sound like some kind of failing point of the life. Oh, you work at Walmart? You work at McDonald's? You work retail? Obviously you must be a 15 year old. My coworker is turning 30 in 2024. She's mentioned it to me a few times. She's scared of turning 30. Most of my coworkers are well over my age. There's a guy there who's been working there since the store opened over a decade ago, I think he's in his 50s, and a lot of the time when I ask him how he's doing he doesn't sound like he's doing great. He seems like a nice guy, he deserves better. All of them do. Retail is for teenagers. My coworkers work 40 hours of hard labor at 15$ an hour to provide for families. I wonder how many of them have second jobs?

I'm in a luckier position than most. It's a weird position to be in. To watch your friends go through shit while you sit in your house and complain about your neighbor's, uh. "Friends." Playing music too loud. Am I allowed to complain when I'm upset? At least I have something.

This got away from me. I don't think there's a grand statement here.

I've been working on a lot of Homestuck related stuff lately. I've been having a good time with it. You can find a lot of it on my in the Numerals folder. Or maybe you like fun directories? Do you like fun directories? Look at my directory. I've been working on a couple of fanspecies and then some original session characters. There's also my Extended Zodiac project which I recently released the Mind characters for.

Here's some project ideas I'm thinking of tackling, but am not sure about. You wanna steal them? Go for it.

Damn, did you sit through all of this? You poor bastard. Thanks though. See you... January? Let's hope.

This month's new artists: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Cat System Corp.

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